
Update: 26th March 2020

The Wild Goose & Her Men (Page 2)

Wild Goose

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At a British port (Liverpool) the 2nd Support Group, commanded by Captain F. J. WALKER, C.B., D.S.O., and two bars, RN in HMS STARLING, was welcomed home by the First Lord  of the Admiralty Mr. A.V. Alexander, from its record breaking U-boat hunt in which six enemy submarines were destroyed. Three of the group's 6 U-boat kills were made within 16 hours. Its total "bag" is now 17. The sloop HMS WILD GOOSE, is one of the ships of the famous 2nd Support Group. The two images immediately below were sent to me by John Jones whose father served aboard Wild Goose.


Picture shows the Chief Petty Officer of the Wild Goose from (Dover) who has 24 years in the Navy, two as Boy, tells the "tale" to members of "A" gun crew - Ordinary Seaman Sidney Cloke (Hythe), Able Seaman Bernard Barnard (Hoddeston), Ordinary Seaman Edward Clarke (Dunfermline), Able Seaman Edward Kennedy (Manchester)  and Able Seaman Ernest Jagger (Bradford) over a captured Nazi lifebelt and Swastika badge.

HMS Wild Goose Score Card

Scanned from original by his grand daughter  Nicola Woods-Lloyd(Mar 2018).
This replaces the rather faded 'old' scan I had

The WILD GOOSE'S own flag, which depicts a flying wild goose and a Red Cross for rescue work, designed by Able Seaman C.E. Woods (Sunderland),
and made by Yeoman W.L.L. Miller (Raynes Park) (right).

March 2009: Ernie Woods, pictured above, died. RIP Ernie

Mar 2018: I just wanted to say thank you for the information you have provided on this website. My grandfather was Charles Earnest Woods, he designed the HMS Wild Goose Battle flag. He died in March 2009 and whilst remembering him I came across your website and thanks to your information we know his flag is now in Bootle Town Hall and have arranged a visit for the family to go see it. Nicola Woods Lloyd.

The same flag, now displayed in Bootle Town Hall

A wounded German U-boat prisoner is carried ashore

A U-boat officer coming ashore

Prisoners going ashore

Members of the Starboard Depth Charge party of the Wild Goose (Inc.) Leading Seaman George Grimwood (Felixstowe), Able Seaman Peter Goodlier (Leicester.), Steward William Green (Branksome, Dorset), Ordinary Seaman Alex Bradshaw (Glasgow), Ordinary Seaman Arthur Boothey (Kettering), Able Seaman Rex Tarbard (Manningtree), Able Seaman (Stoker) Jack Thompson (Grimsby), Able Seaman (Stoker) Leonard Hawksworth (Sheffield) and Able Seaman (Stoker) Thomas Clisham (Chester).

Do not take the name placing for granted, mistakes were often made

A cheerful member of "A" gun crew of Wild Goose,
Able Seaman J.Rowles of Bristol

Our late father John Rowles served on HMS Wildgoose. Our mother has recently received dad’s arctic star medal and it started us wondering if there was anyone who remembered him. It was made more special for us as it arrived on 24th January which would have been his 90th birthday. We would love to hear from anyone who either knew dad or was on HMS Wildgoose at the same time (1939-45). Dad passed away 14th March 1991 aged 67. Jackie Moore and Marilyn Briggs please contact me as Stuart Rowles would like to get in touch.

Members of "A" Gun crew aboard the "WILD GOOSE" (L. to R.) Leading Seaman George A.Lee (Hull): Petty Officer  Harry Hudson (Southwark, London): and Able Seaman William Cutchey (Romford, Essex).

Paula Eccleston sent me this image of her dad, Bert Collett (second right, back) who served
on WG from 12/12/43 - 15/11/44.

email: feb 2014. Urgent request for info on young lad in duffle coat, centre.
His name might be Seddon. First name Leslie Michael? The Leslie Seddon in question was killed on HMT Lord Wakefield on 29th July 1944 off Omaha Beach.

Two of the ships of the group HMS WILD GOOSE (nearest camera) and HMS STARLING, which rammed one of the U-boats.1943. What the lines etc drawn on the photo are of I have no idea. BUT Dave Mallinson, (March 2005) sent me the following information about these markings:

The diagonal hatch lines are censors instructions to delete views of the port installations that might have been of use to the enemy, if the photo was published or somehow got into enemy hands. Likewise the oval or circular lines identify parts of the ships radar fit that needed to be masked before the picture could be published. Today we suffer because of the censor's work. With many photographs it is impossible to accurately identify radar or armament fit because the historical record was changed by the censor. For some reason this particular photograph, although marked by the censor has escaped and the location and radar fits can still be identified.

So, what we have here is a rare, pre censored photograph!

Two ratings from H.M.S. WILD GOOSE with German lifebelts and escape apparatus taken from the U-boat prisoners which they captured in the Atlantic. Don Bones was telling me that my Pa had once picked a lifebelt out of the water along with a beautiful inlaid Zither in perfect musical condition. Apparently the lifebelt was put on display in a St. Helens theatre during the war - it has subsequently disappeared over the years. Pa had told me about the Zither - it  was incredibly ornate  and had floated up from a submarine and it played like a dream  - he  lent it to St Helens man called  Jimmy Tickle who pestered for a loan of it for use in a "St. Helens Newtown Players Amateur Dramatics production (Which Ma and Pa were in) and still to this day Jimmy Tickle has failed to return it. Terence Briody.

The gunner talks to members of a depth charge party attached to the Wild Goose (L. to R.)  Mr, John Robert Hinton, 'Gunner' (Walderalade, Kent). (See email Oct 2009 below). At back, Leading Seaman David Lee (Chatham); Ordinary Seaman James Butler (Sheerness); Ordinary Seaman George Kemp (U. Norwood); Leading Seaman Edward White (Carshalton); Ordinary Seaman Gordon Cooper Keeble (Leytonstone); Leading Seaman Peter William Tucker (Ashford, Kent). Front: Leading Seaman Robert Malone (Isle of Skye); Able Seaman George Atkins (Worcester) known as "Enoch", Able Seaman Frederick Taber (Ipswich); Able Seaman Alex Kirk (Lochgelly, Fife) and Able Seaman Henry Stokes (Liverpool). (See Emails below)

Three of the crew of H.M.S. WILD GOOSE inspecting the lifebelts and escape apparatus of the U-boat prisoners

Wild Goose on the attack! Firing depth charges. Image from HMS Starling. Close Up below

Captain F. J. Walker. DSO, Senior Officer of the 2nd Support Group addressing the men of H.M.S. WILD GOOSE when they arrived back at their base in Gladstone Dock, Liverpool


Captain Walker addresses the crew of Wild Goose on their return to Liverpool. Image same as above left, scanned from the original and sent to me by Nicola, the grand daughter of Ernie Wood. An old more faded copy of this is in the section of Walker RN.

Lieutenant  W.P. Chipman, RCNVP of Ottawa (the First Lieutenant) and Lieutenant J. Evans, DSDC, RNVR of Birmingham ( the Navigating Officer)

Watching the U-boat prisoners as they come ashore

Undated (and uncensored) image - but almost certainly 1943


Orders before sailing in the boiler room of the WILD GOOSE : Stoker I/D. Radford of Nottingham; J. Jones of Liverpool, S.P.O.  V. Lodgers of Littlebourne; Stoker J.G. Hearne of Evercreach, New Somerset; and C.E.R.A. C. Parkinson of Liverpool

In the engine room of the WILD GOOSE showing stoker L. Stewart; AP Storey of Nottingham; Pilot Officer  A. Jennings of Gillingham; Stoker A. Savage of Deptford; ERA S.Miles of Coventry; ERA F.Ward of Bexley Heath: Stoker W. Moyes of Shipley, Yorks;  Stoker F. Radcliffe of Middleton, Lancs.,  and ERA C. Parkinson of Liverpool

Group with the WILD GOOSE'S own flag made by Yeoman Miller, and a flying goose from design by Able Seaman Woods, showing (L. to R.) Signaller James Kinnear (Edinburgh) Signaller W Gibson (E.Barnet); Able Seaman C.E.Woods - the designer (Sunderland); Yeoman W.L.J.Miller (Raynes Park) who made the flag; Petty Officer (Telegraphist) A.Sable (King's Lynn); and Signaller A. Clarke (Nuneaton)

Wild Goose 1946 (Note removal of rear turrets and insertion of cabins)

Wild Goose 1946

Valetta Harbour Malta 1950s

Another image of Wild Goose, Malta, 1950s

Another undated image - I thought it  was 1943 but could possibly be as late as 1955 as there appears to be a cabin now on the rear end and, as one observer puts it, she is looking a bit manky and is painted white as opposed to camouflaged. So probably well post wartime. I think we can see the aft deck cabin too, if so, is post war image.

This is Henry Armstrong, served aboard Wild Goose 3/3/43 - 16/12/44. Apparently he may have been a gunner. Image right:  with his lovely wife. Henry was 19 when he got married and he did survive the war. In the second image he is seen wearing his cap backwards, a security precaution to hide the name of his ship.

The Crest is now the property of the National Maritime Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool. I donated this on the 18th February 2008 on behalf of Susan Houston of the Martin Family.


Alan Scarth, takes possession on behalf of the museum

On February 2nd 2008, the badge shown left arrived in the post. I knew it was coming but was so excited to actually be holding a living piece of history, the original crest off HMS Wild Goose. In December I had received an email from Susan Houston, offering me this "priceless" piece of one of Walkers ships and wanted to know where it could be donated to. I thought of the Maritime Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool - the home of Walkers 2nd Support Group. That is where it now resides. How did it come into the possession of Susan? Her father worked in the Yard in Bowness where Wild Goose was broken up.


Officers HMS Wild Goose

Back row :- Lieutenant J. Evans DSC RNVR of Birmingham; Lieutenant Commander DF Wemyss DSC and bar RN of Saltash and Fife (Ships Captain); Lieutenant WP Chipman RCNVR of Ottawa; Midshipman JWF Dickis RNR of Nottingham. Centre :-  Surg.Lieutenant C Stewart RNVR of Elderslie; Warrant Engineer H Earp RN of Liverpool.

Front Row :-  Sub -Lieutenant HL Jandras RCNVR, New York City; Mr John Robert Hinton, Gunnery, of Walderslade, Kent; Sub-Lieutenant R.K.Hamilton RNVR of Edinburgh (thanks to his daughter Penny for filling in the gap); Sub -Lieutenant Gronvy EP RNVR of Streatham; Sub-Lieutenant RB Moore, RN of Oxford (RB Moore's son, Peter, has been in contact); Sub -Lieutenant DA Woods of Churt;  Sub -Lieutenant AV Atkins RANVR of Perth. Australia.

Lt Comdr Wemyss took over from Captain Walker, as commander of the Group, shortly after Walker's death in July 1944.
The only two name placings I can be sure of in the above image is Lt Cmdr Wemyss, top row second from left and RB Moore, front rank 3rd from right.

James Brownsell (RIP 1993) (right) Image from his son David:

Below: Bar to his DSM he received on the bottom entry on the right London Gazette entry


Nov 2105.The following image was sent to me by Steve Toms, it's of his grandfather (left) Robert James Brownsell


This print 'impression' above was published in The Illustrated London News March 1944 with this title and story:


Our painting shows the sixth kill in daylight, with enemy crew taking to the water. "Starling" is in the left distance and "Wild Goose" on the right. According to the Admiralty communiqué, "Woodpecker" found the sixth U-boat which Captain F.J. Walker, who led No.2 Escort Group of the Royal Navy, described  as a "slippery brute to hold." After  a series of attacks lasting six hours, the enemy submarine surfaced nearly a mile away on "Starling's" port quarter. "This gave the gun crews some compensation for many tiresome hours of waiting for U-boats that never surface," said Captain Walker. Soon the Germans were seen to be abandoning ship, and in seven minutes the U-boat sank stern first. Later it was learned that she had been hunted for hours by the sloops and had "thrown in the towel" after being damaged by "Starling's" last pattern of depth-charges.  "Wild Goose" first got in a smashing hit on the conning tower with her fourth salvo. Describing the scene to our artist, an officer of HMS "Starling" said: "It was damned impudence to surface as she did right amongst us in broad daylight - at point blank range!" After immediately being attacked by shell-fire she was abandoned by her personnel.

Officers and men left her by a small hatch  at aft of the conning tower, each with an inflatable rubber dinghy, wearing  "Mae West" safety jackets and carrying emergency rations and gas masks.  Officers retained their caps, presumably to claim preferential treatment.  The Captain on the bridge floated off as the conning tower submerged, and as the U-boat moved ahead she left a trail of the crew in her wake.  All were picked up, prisoners of war, by our ships. "They seemed a very poor type compared with earlier prisoners," said Surgeon-Lieut. WD Fraser RNVR, "but all were apparently well fed. They liked our rations, and I think it shook them to find us in good trim and cheerfully confident. There wasn't much bounce and Heil Hitler with these prisoners." While the hunt was on, the War Cabinet sent a signal of congratulations to Captain Walker, and other signals were sent by the First lord and Admiral Sir Max Horton, C-in-C., Western Approaches . As "kill" succeeded "kill" it became difficult to vary the wording, and there was a chuckle on board HMS Starling"  when Sir Max eventually signalled the message to Captain Walker, "For the sixth time, congratulations. PAINTED BY OUR SPECIAL ARTIST, C.E. TURNER, FROM A PERSONAL DESCRIPTION BY AN OFFICER EYE-WITNESS IN H.M.S. "STARLING

July 2007: The pictures that show the rear cabin are as it was when I served on her in 51-53 in the Persian Gulf. The cabin was for the Senior Naval Officer Persian Gulf. At that time that was Captain Arthur H Willis. He was required to entertain various Sheiks and sign treaties as well as visiting dignitaries so required more space than his normal accommodation could provide. Yours aye, Brian Border.P.O.S.M. (I amended name of the SNO - as it was incorrect after checking records - mk - he held the rank then of Commodore 2nd class).

Captain Arthur H. Wallis, RN.18.04.1951 - 11.1951 Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf [HMS Wild Goose] (CBE) 11.1951 - 03.1952 Commanding Officer, HMS Mauritius. I was steered in this direction by his nephew, David Shaw (Nov 2010).

This picture shows Reunion of (3) Wild Goose Crewmen with former Prisoners of war German who were rescued after sinking of their U-Boats. Reunion was possibly in 2004. Don Bones is seen on front right shaking hands with former prisoner. Man on left at front is Terry Knafsey (later Kingsley) who, in Dec 2007, was in Scotland, aged 84. Edit: He died in October 2009 RIP. (Info: Louis Elliott).

ASDIC - A/B George Wilkinson

Served aboard HMS Wild Goose and, as stated in Walker RN and in many other books, Wild Goose was the ship that frequently found the U boats for Walker to finish off. Therefore Able Seaman George Wilkinson was the gentleman who was responsible as he ran the ASDIC department on Wild Goose. His son, Dr David Wilkinson, recently came into possession of these medals and documents which he has very kindly forwarded on to me for inclusion on this page. George finished his service as a Chief Petty Officer.

George Wilkinson is front right.  Rear Right is Harold Durber DJX 566698, who died in 1975.

George Wilkinson & His Medals.


Award of the DSM in Feb 44

 and of a Bar to his DSM in June 1944. I would imagine the award of a bar to his DSM (a rare event) was in gratitude for his efforts in protecting the D Day beaches from a massive effort by U Boats to disrupt and destroy the many thousands of ships supplying troops and equipment to the beaches. Walkers ships formed a screen through which hardly a submarine passed. ASDIC would of course have been the main detection gear used, so George would have been in the forefront of this fantastic effort.

C in C Western Approaches, Admiral Sir Max Horton forwards Walkers Recommendations to the Admiralty.

Mentioned in Despatches as recorded in the London Gazette August 1944

Asdic records for George

Sonar or Asdic: Sonar is a system for detecting submarine sound in the water. It was first developed by the British for use against U-boats in World War I. Radar uses radio waves to detect objects on and above the land and sea surface. Radar was developed in the 1930’s to detect aircraft. Both sonar and radar technology matured during World War II, and both were used by the Allies to combat German U-boats. Sonar and radar were also added to Allied submarines to warn of aircraft attack and counterattack from surface vessels. Since World War II sonar has been the most important of the submarine’s senses. Hydrophones are the submarine’s ears, and they listen for sounds from other ships and the echoes of sound waves transmitted from the submarine itself. To be an effective Asdic man, like George Wilkinson, involved being able to detect the usually very faint sounds of a U Boats electric motors and slow turning screws "chopping" the water deep below. Couple with with many other "sounds of the sea" and you can imagine how difficult it was. Sound travels extremely well under water, from all directions!

Asdic Operator

November 25th 2004. An email from June Lark, nee Butler.  Having just read your web-site re Men of the Wild Goose, I wanted to let you know that my father also served aboard her during the same time. In fact he is in three of the photos and named on one of them. His name was "Jim" Butler....although I believe he was referred to as "Chelsea" because he was one of the eldest!! He did manage to attend several of the Reunions...and, in fact, marched in the Parade for the Battle of the Atlantic in Liverpool, even though his health was not good by then. All his life he was immensely proud of all that the Wild Goose, and all her crew, achieved. He was in touch with several of his "shipmates" until his death.....George Atkins, "Lennie" Stokes and Bob Hall, whose own death preceded his. Some of my earliest memories are accompanying my mum on trips to Liverpool in between my dad's 28 day stints. We went on board for a "party" on one occasion  - and my mum couldn't believe how small the ship was!  My dad died in February 1997 and my mum just last year ; they were 83 and 89 years old respectively, so I was extremely fortunate to have shared so much of their lives.  Dad never forgot those days in the Wild Goose and we were all so aware how very, very lucky we were to have him come home to us.

From Rob Driver: Dec 04: I thought I would mail you to let you know that my father, Robert Driver, served on the ship throughout the war. It would be good to be able to put him in touch with others who served with him. He lives in Burnley in Lancashire. robstella* - insert @ where the * is to email Rob directly.

From Terry Briody. Jan 2005. Having successfully escorted a Russian relief Convoy  and after a particularly tough and arduous journey the 2nd Escort Group's men had  expected a warm  and grateful welcome in Archangel. On arrival however the Russian authorities refused the ship's company  permission to  go ashore. After strong  protests from Walker's Officers who stressed that sailors needed to touch dry land occasionally to maintain their legs and their sanity  the Russian authorities attitude softened slightly:   They cordoned off a section along the sea front  into a restricted walkway which was roped off  and lined with Russian military guards every few yards  The 2nd Escort men were allowed ashore  to stroll up  and down the roped off  area  for exercise purposes  but were informed in no uncertain terms that if they stepped outside the ropes that they would be shot without further warning!  Furthermore,  if they attempted to communicate in anyway  with the  Russian civilians beyond the ropes then those civilians would themselves be shot. Apparently the men were not pleased but cooperated fully with the Russian 'requests'  and were not too sad to leave the place.

Did a William (Bill) Roker serve on HMS Wild Goose in the Bay of Biscay WW2 found old photo in late wife's old letters .  Any help much appreciated. patjlambert* - replace * with @ for email address. A reply from Terry Briody states that this is correct. Bill was indeed a stoker on board Wild Goose.

Jan 05. I have been doing some research for my mother as her brother served on H.M.S. Wild Goose her brother name is Bernard Barnard. Thank you for the information and photographs she was very touched, it brought a tear to her eye. Her brother, my uncle, lives in Australia, whatever information I get I will pass on to you. Doug Nicklin.

April 6th 2005. Received an email from Doug Nicklin whose uncle (B Barnard) served aboard Wild Goose and he sent me this letter from the Soviet Ambassador in Australia.

May 4th 2005: From Michael Ling. I have a 81 year old brother in law called Joe Cordell who served on the Wild Goose for some time in the war, I have just found the site and have found it very interesting and shall be contacting him with the news, I am sure he will be interested to read it. He does not have a computer but if anyone knows him and would like to get in touch I'm sure we can pass info between each other.

February 12th 2006: My name is Stephen Cheesewright and I have been spending some time recently looking into and researching HMS Wild Goose. I am interested in the ship mainly because my granddad Gordon Cooper-Keeble served on the ship during the Second World War. Over the years my grandad has told me many stories about his time in the Navy and continues to do so to this day.  He lives with his Wife in Hullbridge in Essex. It would be fantastic to receive any other information about the ship or it's crew mates to pass onto my grandad, or put my grandad in touch with some of his mates, that are still with us today. you can contact Steve on his email address at stephencheesewright910* substituting the * for an @ please contact him directly, not through me..

May 28th 2008: From Dr David Wilkinson. AB GAF Wilkinson C/LD/X 5152? My mother recently died and I now have his medals. He was awarded the DSM in Feb 1944 after the sinking of the 6 subs and was awarded the bar, which was quite rare I understand, in June when he was acting leading seaman after they sank two more. I was wondering why he was given this and who else was at the same time. I know when he was demobbed he was a CPO and was involved with the ASDIC  the prototype sonar but he never really spoke of it, other than being annoyed that those working on asdic were not given any credit in Walkers memoir and talking of Gladstone dock - he was a cockney and met my mother while in the docks in Liverpool.

Was sent this information about an item spotted on eBay - 15 April 05:

Copper rum tot measuring cup with the following stamped/engraved on front:

GI1/2LL   A/B G. CHOWNS   C/JX842629   H.M.S. WILD GOOSE

(also stamped on base 'Pussers Rum Logo') I believe it went for over £45.

From the link at the bottom of the page. This is George "Enoch" Atkins. A hero of Wild Goose and one of "Walkers Own". Please check out the British Legion Link and if you would - please donate.

This image of the Wild Goose is of a painting from David Parker in his possession belonged to his WG serving Dad, Wilf

HMS Solebay - Battle class Destroyer - Tom Briody serving upon.

Tom Briody on front left, kneeling. First thought to have been Wild Goose - see below

I asked - can somebody please help with this image. Apparently it is claimed that this is a photo taken on board a Battle class destroyer. And is NOT HMS Wild Goose. Can someone please fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I have had some information which might help to solve this enigma. Apparently Tom Briody may well have served on a ship, after Wild Goose, known as Solebay - would this be her? A bit of research later and discovered that Solebay was a Destroyer (D70) but the only mention of her is on the following site:

My thanks to Alan for the following email 4th May 05: The photo of the Battle Class Destroyer could be the Solebay. She was a 1942 group Battle mainly recognisable by the HA/LA Director Mk VI. The ship in your photo has this director. The later 1943 group Battles had a US Mk 37 Director which was taller than the one in the photo. Hope this helps, Alan.

Wild Goose or not, the image will stay as Tom is in the image.

Dave Mallinson emailed me in Jan 06 confirming the Solebay as the above ship. I think that's sorted! Also found this: = The Solebay Assn

HMS Solebay

May 6th 2005: Anne was selling the following Invitation on eBay when it was spotted by a friend, Rob Webb (HMS Kite) in Canada. So I contacted the seller, making my bid as I did, and she withdrew the item and sent it to me, arriving today. My sincere and heartfelt thanks for this little piece of history.

My father served on the HMS Wild Goose just after the war.  His name is John Edwards, his nick name was Glimpy. I know he has made contact with one of his old shipmates whom I found for him, a man called Billy Gandy who still lived in the Warrington area . I know my dad was very proud of the time he spent on the Wild Goose and has quite a few photos. I know he would love to hear from any one connected to the Wild Goose. If there is anyone who remembers him please contact me through my email address and I could pass your details on to my dad thank you. Paul Edwards.

Hi, I am a member of the Wild Goose Association and I was interested in your site in regard to the Goose... we are having our 19th reunion on Oct 7th 2008 at Sinah Warren, Hayling Island this year. On page two of your site it shows a picture of Terry Kingsley the person who started the association with some ex German submariners who had been rescued by the Goose. This was taken at our reunion in Pompey in 1992 at the Home club. We are always open to ex Wild Goose members families.. If you contact our Sec I am sure he would be pleased to hear from you. I was on the Goose 1949/1951 the 2nd Commission out in the Persian Gulf.

Our Sec is Ken Hayes. 3 Ivy House Park, Henlade, Taunton, TA3 5HR...Telephone 01823 442973. or - remove -at- and insert @ for email address.


From Paul Edwards. 29th January 2006

RIP John Edwards

It is with a sad heart that I write this email. I wrote a while ago about my father whom served on the Wild Goose just after the end of war, a time which I said he was very proud of. When I told him of your site he asked me to print the pages off for him which I did and I know he read and enjoyed and I know he recognised some faces. As I said it is with a sad heart that I write, my father passed away two weeks ago after a tragic accident at home a sad loss to my mum and his five sons and one daughter, at his funeral it was very comforting for all of us, his coffin was draped in the ensign and a sailors hat from HMS EAGLET was placed on his coffin, this is where my dad started his love for the navy as a young cadet, and the service was conducted by the padre from HMS EAGLET, also the commanding officer from eaglet flew the ensign at half mast, a gesture I know my mum appreciated .my father was also a (Nuclear) test veteran, as he also served on the HMS Campania which, if I'm right, led the task force during these test. My dad has lots of photo's from this pictures of mushroom clouds in the background whilst in the foreground the men are standing on deck in their shorts, shirts and sandals, good protection or what? I know this is the only government that has never paid compensation to these brave men,  a legacy they should be ashamed of. But also to insult all the brave men and women whom fought for peace throughout Europe they want to scrap Remembrance Day and rename it. Why I ask, the younger generation should be reminded this was a campaign for peace and justice and many people died to accomplish this end, so why should we not remember them.

May 2006: Anne Meakin is trying to find out information on a gent who served aboard Wild Goose during WW2. His name is (William) Saunders or WH Saunders and the initials A.B.S.T. following his name. The actual rank ABST does not exist. The book in which Anne has these details must have owned this book. Ray Holden tells me that the initials A.B.S.T. are firstly Able Seaman and the S.T. could be Starboard Thrower (Depth Charges) or Starboard Torpedo but I am not sure Wild Goose carried torpedo tubes?  If anyone has information on this gent please contact Anne Meakin via myself. Beryl's email address is: pennyfields - at - (replace -at- with @ for the correct address).

June 2008: An Email from Beryl Kemp. My father served on the Wild Goose during world war 2 and was always talking about these times. He also served on the Umtali ,both ships of which he often talked about with pride. Sadly he passed away a couple of years ago but would have found this web site wonderful. He was mayor of our town for a few years and was asked to name a few streets on a housing development. This he did with pride and called them after the Wild Goose, Starling, Magpie etc. His job on the ship was radar operator and his name was Kenneth Stubbs (Stoke-on-Trent.)

2nd August 2008: An email from Shaun Prime. My grandfather was on the Wild Goose. His name  was Michael Smith,  he has passed away but I'm trying to find some  more information on the Wild Goose.  He was on that ship in WW2.  I don't know exactly how long he was on there for.  shaundato - at - is his email address - change - at - for @.

9th August 2008. An email from John Phipps. He is trying to find out if CJX 607890 A/B RK Phipps ever served aboard HMS Wild Goose. He is buried now in Ipswich Cemetery. He died in 1948 after contracting TB. you can contact John at - phipper1 -at- - replacing -at- with @.

7th November 2008: An email from Jeremy Woods. I found your web site today as I wondered who had taken over the task of recording the history of the second escort group. My father Derek Woods (Sub Lt) served on Wild Goose. He was awarded a DSC for the 6 sinkings patrol and I still have his medals. He played the part of the German officer in Cockleshell Heroes - rather a reversed role I think!

9th November 2008. An email from Alan Cloke: ....... I thought I would make contact as my father served on the Wild Goose and features in one of your articles, he was Ordinary Seaman Sydney Cloke, he lives in Folkestone Kent, AND WOULD LIKE TO MAKE CONTACT WITH OTHER SURVIVING MEMBERS, please contact me initially at this e mail address. alan - at - - replace -at- with @ to email him directly.

I received an email on November 29th from a Mick Ling. He is the brother in law of Joe Cordell who served on board Wild Goose. His service ID read "S/B 3/21932. Rating A/B O.N C/JX399988 G,T; or U.A  G.  and was "Starboard 1st part". He sadly passed away on 19th November 2008. Joe was an local R.N.A member in Rayleigh Essex and there will be a few members attending funeral on the 2nd Dec at 1 o'clock at Southend crematorium.

Frank Shearman emailed me (Jan 09). He tells me he served aboard Wild Goose from 1946. He joined her in Leith dockyard and spent most of his time in the middle East. He also tells me that Andy Rob, another "ex gooser" sadly passed away in 2006.

Feb 09: From Ron Dovey: My Father Richard Dovey (known as Eric) served on Wild Goose during WW2 I think from around 1942. He would have loved to have seen this website unfortunately he has passed away a few years ago. He was a stoker and latterly a PO and was brought up in Hanley Swan in Worcestershire. I would love to hear if anyone remembers him.

February 25th 2009: Hi my father served on the goose during the famous 'six in one trip' and is alive and well approaching 85yrs this June.  Inevitably he has some health issues but as his son i revel in his stories of his exploits at sea, and rightly i am extremely proud of him and his sacrifice to protect us when we most needed it.  His name is Sidney Robert Cloke originally from Hythe in Kent now residing in Folkestone, Kent as he has done for over 50 years now.  I thought you might like to hear of a veteran of the 'Goose' who still remembers his Navy number to this day!  Many Thanks for a great site to remind us all that we should never forget! - Sender unknown, son of!

March 19th 2009: An email from David Thompson. I am trying to find information on my late father Alan Sutcliff Thompson (Asdic Operator) who served on Wild Goose throughout WW2. Alan originated from Rhyl, Clywdd and was Ex RNLI on the Rhyl lifeboat ‘Charlotte Richardson’ from 1933-1938. I would also like to thank you for the superb web site. I have had little knowledge of this period in my late father’s life and have found it fascinating. Any information would be gladly received. Many thanks, David Thompson. You can contact David on sataboutwaiting - at -; replace the -at- with @ for the correct email address. If anyone reads any of the books on Walker you will find that Wild Goose comes out top in detection between Walkers ships - Alan was possibly the one!! How many times I read 'Message from Wild Goose, sir, she has a contact!'.

March 24th 2009: Ernest Bramwell's daughter, Kay, is tying to find out what her dad did aboard WG. Anybody got any clues?

August 17th 2009: Samantha McRobbie emailed me: I am hoping that you may have records of the men that served on board.  My father in law Robert Maclaren McRobbie served on her during the war, I'm not sure exactly what years. I am currently doing a McRobbie family tree for my Husband as a suprise for christmas, so any snippets of information that you may have concerning Bob and his time on wild goose would be much appreciated. Email her at: samy49 - at - (replace -at- with @ to send directly).

September 8th 2009: Kathy contacted me: My name is Kathy Glynn nee Sharp, my dad was on Wild Goose and his name was Able Seaman Ernest Sharp. As I remember he visited the Persian Gulf in approx. 1949-1951, one of his friends on ship was named Ronnie Valander. All I remember his job was dishing out the navy rum and also managed to sink the dinghy which was to take the captain ashore to meet the sheiks, hence we believe he wasn’t in too much danger. He was also on a different ship before this but not sure what it was called. If there is anyone out there who remembers my dad or can share any more info I would be very grateful because he had fond memories of this and we would wile away the hours with him and he would smile. Thank you Kathy.

If you would like to contact Kathy directly with information:   glynny007 - at - - replace the -at- with @ for email address.

September 2009: From John McGarvey Jnr: My father ‘John McGarvey’ was a Chief PO on the Wild Goose during WW2.  Sadly he died in 1998 aged 84.  Don Bones visited dad when he was ill in North Manchester General Hospital for this we were very appreciative, he also attended his funeral.

October 2009: Hi I am writing on behalf of my neighbour Gordon Frank Wills (jx377607). I have lived next door to him for five years and until now I just though he use to work in the steel works in Corby. The Friday just gone he just let slip some thing about Wild Goose and I asked him about it and he told me a little story and said when you have more time we will talk more. I said I would look to see what I could fine and stumbled across your site so I printed it all out for him and he was very pleased. Gordon served on Wild Goose from 3 march 1943 to 1 Nov 1943 then reposted 2 Nov 1943 to 16 July 1945. Gordon was asking when and if there is going to be a reunion and where it will be and also has there been any DVD's made of the ship etc. Many Thanks. Michael Brett. michaelbrett -at - 

October 2009:  I have just seen your website on HMS Wild Goose, I can’t think why after all these years I have never looked up HMS Wild Goose on the internet before.  You have collected and put together a very extensive set of pictures and gathered a lot of information about the ship.  Many congratulations. The Gunner on HMS Wild Goose was my father, John Robert Hinton, he is shown in photograph with the depth charge crew, and again lower down on the same page with the officers.  Sadly, my father died in 1979.  Working in those conditions took a toll on his life, and he was invalided out of the navy in 1945 after 27 years service. As a six year old boy, I went on board the ship at the end of 1943, whilst she was docked at Liverpool.  I was taken all over her, and had tea in the wardroom.  I met Commander Wemyss and the other officers.  I first picked up my lifelong interest in firearms at that visit, being taken all over the armaments and then down to the ships armoury. Best wishes  Nigel Hinton.

October 2009: It is with regret that I have to inform you of the death of my father Terry Kingsley. As you know, Terry and my Mum Ruby, founded the Wild Goose Association in the late 1970's and they organised the first meeting in 1978 in Bath. From a small start the association grew in size and Dad received letters from former shipmates from all over the World. Sadly he was unable to attend the more recent reunions due to failing health but he always remembered fondly his time on the Wild Goose and up to the time of his death he was still telling stories about his exploits and those of his friends. Last year he received a lovely letter from Ken Hayes updating him on the current association members and their most recent reunion as well as letting him know about Don Bones, Bill McKay, Ernie Woods and Doug Lulham, and he had the letter pinned to his wall next to his photographs of the ship and some of the crew. Ken kept Dad updated on a regular basis and we know he always appreciated the letters as it reminded him of a time of his life when he knew what comradeship really meant. Caroline C Flory.

Terence Kingsley (Knafsey)

26/07/1923 - 7/10/2009 

Centre: Terence Kingsley

Terence Knafsey, later Kingsley, joined the Royal Navy in 1941 and was posted to the naval barracks at Chatham for training. In early 1943 Terry joined HMS Wild Goose where he served until the end of the war. After the war Terry worked at the York Locomotive Works and rose through the Trade Union ranks becoming a shop steward and also a Labour councillor. A man with a voracious appetite for reading and learning, Terry won a place to Oxford as a mature student and graduated with a degree in Sociology, Psychology and Industrial Relations Law. He went on to work for a number of leading engineering firms throughout the United Kingdom as a Personnel and Industrial Relations manager.

In the late 1970’s he co-founded with his late wife Ruby Kingsley, the Wild Goose Association with the aim of bringing together all who had served on board the distinguished sloop.

In recognition of his role in establishing a thriving association he was made honorary vice-president for life and was very proud of serving on the Wild Goose and of his part in bringing together not only his former shipmates but their one time foe, submariners of the German navy. A strong bond was established between men who had once been enemies and regular reunions were held in both Britain and Germany. Terry commissioned an oil painting of the Wild Goose as well as a video of the exploits of the 2nd Support Group and he would talk about his experiences right up to the time of his death.

October 2009: An email from Matthew Hawksworth. Can I just say what a fantastic insight your web page has been into the life of my Grandad. Sadly he has since passed on but seeing him in all his glory on his ship and with his best mate Tommy Clisham has made my dad and I very happy.

May 2010: An email from Dave Brownsell. My Father - Robert James Brownsell - served on Wild Goose during the battle of the Atlantic. He was very proud to be associated with "Walker's Boys". He was an Asdic operator and received the DSM and Bar. He managed to attend one re-union in spring 1993 (Bournemouth) before unfortunately passing away on 3rd September 1993. He met our mother in Liverpool and they married in June 1945.

February 2011: I am trying to locate any service information on my father Mr Ronald William Gates who served on HMS Wild Goose in the second world war. We know he was mentioned in depatches on 13th June 1944, but have no further information. I would be very grateful if you could forward any information you may have.  Many thanks  John Gates.  igm354 -at is his email address, delete the -at- and insert @.

July 2012 From Geordie Border: have been enjoying the saga of the “WILD GOOSE”. I served on her in the persian gulf from 1951 to 1953, and  was in the WGA for some time but age and its problems made me have to forsake the get togethers. Once navy always navy, and I still come and go with the tide, never forgetting the good and bad times. I joined her as a stoker and left as acting petty officer stoker. Geordie Border by name and anyone who remembers me would be delighted to hear from. Best wishes to you, and thanks for the excellent articles.

July 2012 From Greg Earnshaw.  I have only just come across your website which is sadly too late for my Uncle Bill [ William Guy ] who died two years ago but who I know served aboard the Wild Goose during WW2 . He is in the group photograph entitled “Captain Walker addressing the men of HMS Wild Goose” in the book “Walker R.N”. by Terence Robertson. Bill was from Glasgow but in the early 1950’s married my Aunt and settled in Lancashire. I wonder if anyone remembers him or has any information about his service record. He told me his job aboard ship was to listen in for radio signals between U  Boats and Germany.

May 2016:  From Michelle Kemp.  I really hope you can help I'm looking for any information or pictures you might have of able seaman Kenneth Stubbs. He served on the Wild Goose from 1943-1945 . He worked on the radar and can't find anything at all. Or even if you know of where I could find them. My husband is his grandson and they were the best of friends. We got married last year and would love to get a picture or some info of his service for him. I know it would mean a lot. to his mum to ( Kenneth's daughter).

Sept 2016. I received a site message from Ken Lucas, about his dad, Alexander Lucas, who served on board Wild Goose. He sent me 4 images, here they are:

This came to me blurred, I tried a bit of photoshop but this seems to be the best I can do.

I wonder how he lost the tooth? (Ans: he lost the tooth in a 'shelling raid')
The following 8 images are from Jim Nixon in Australia. His grandad served on Wild Goose

This was probably taken at Tobermory during WW2

Post War in Valetta

a zoom in of the image above this

A scan from the original, Capt Walker addresses the crew of Wild Goose on the quarterdeck
February 2017: (Dr David Owen Hughes). My father was ship's surgeon on the Wild Goose from 1954 to 1955. He now lives in Eastbourne but was wondering if there are any of his old ship mates that he could get in touch with. Regards Graham Hughes.